“TAIWAN VIDEA” 2017 Selection in Europe will display Wu Chi-Tsung’s Landscape In The Mist 001.
“TAIWAN VIDEA” 2017 Selection
The Taiwanese Avant-garde Video Screening Project
Curated by Yunnia Yang
Touring Schedule:
1. July 19 (Wed.), 2017 8:00pm
Republic of Macedonia: Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje
2. July 28 (Fri.), 2017 8:00pm
Croatia: Galerija AŽ Atelieri Žitnjak, Zagreb, GalleryAŽ
3. August 1(Tue.), 2017 8:00pm
Slovenia: SCCA-Ljubliana Center for Contemporary Arts
4. August 16, 19-20, 2017
Germany: art space “Rosalux” , Berlin
Opening and Curator’s talk: August 16 (Wed.) 7:00pm
Exhibition time:
August 16 (Wed.): 7 pm – open end
August 19 (Sat.) : 2 pm – 6 pm
August 20(Wed.): 2 pm – 6 pm
Film art is an important artistic expression in the contemporary visual culture. The charms of images dominate the lifestyle and way of thinking of our new generation. Among the Taiwanese contemporary arts, video art and experimental films enrich the visual aesthetics and symbolic meanings with their own critical character, originality and diversity. The internationally-awarded creative videos from Taiwan might become a fleeting glimpse of beauty. The curatorial project 《TAIWAN VIDEA》 is to converge the creative energies and aesthetic features of film art, including video art, performance art, experimental films and animations, digital animations, etc. The depth of these videos refers to many facets of human beings’ living conditions: the alert about the consequence of human desire challenging God with technology and civilization (Lin Peychwen’s “Making of Eve Clone I”), criticizing the desire law of chasing after the ‘Progress’ deteriorating humanity (Huang Zan-Lun’s “Double”); revealing the beautiful lies constructed by the authorities (Chen I-Chun’s “ The Piggy Song”), the seriousness of the collective consciousness manipulated by the contemporary media (Zhang Xu-Zhan’s “Ritual of Cathode Ray Tube”); a nutrition taken as a metonymy to criticize politicians devouring people’s future dreams with empty promises (Wang Ding-Yeh’s “Beef-Wonderful Promises”), analogizing the images of the New Year’s Eve fireworks and a candle as a metaphor of the contradiction between the celebration of a country’s future and the sacrifice of martyrs (Ho Wei-Ming’s “Over My Dead Country”); the danger and paranoia of overexpanding self-consciousness (Wu Tzu-An’s “Disease of Manifestation”), the spatial imagination of an individual searching for the freedom of his body and mind (Pu Shuai-Cheng’s “Secret Plane-Immense Floating”); the intimacy and mystery of cultural encounter breaking the cultural stereotypes (Chang Huei-Ming ‘s “Tough Town”), questioning about simulated scenery in everyday life (Tsui Kuang-Yu’s “ Invisible City: Taiparis York”);with a new way of seeing to explore aesthetic possibilities of representing the oriental landscape painting (Wu Chi-Tsung’s “Landscape in the Mist 001”), Leviathan-like monstrous image composited from a dozen footages filmed at an open night market to show the danger of consumption (Jawshing Arthur Liou’s “Insatiable”) . The 12 creative videos from Taiwan will subvert the international audience’s impressions on the Taiwanese culture and arts, crossing over the boundaries of fine arts and pop culture. The issues of 《TAIWAN VIDEA》 are not only related to Taiwan itself, but also to the contemporary problems in the world. Creative thinking with universal value is the fundamental necessity of avant-garde images with subversive power.
Duration: 90 minutes
1. Lin Peychwen, Making of Eve Clone I, 2016, 9′
2. Huang Zan-Lun, Double, 2015, 12’55”
3. Chen I-Chun, The Piggy Song, 2013, 8’7”
4. Zhang Xu Zhan, Ritual of Cthode Ray Tube, 2011-2013, 5′
5. Wang Ding-Yeh, Beef-Wonderful Promises, 2011, 4’42”
6. Ho Wei-Ming, Over My Dead Country, 2013, 11’11”
7. Wu Tzu-An, Disease of Manifestation, 2011, 9′
8. Pu Shuai-Cheng, Secret Plane-Immense Floating, 2011, 5’31”
9. Chang Huei-Ming, Tough Town, 2015, 9′
10.Tsui Kuang-Yu, Invisible City: Taiparis York, 2008, 5’10”
11. Wu Chi-Tsung, Landscape in the Mist 001, 2012, 09’15”
12. Jawshing Arthur Liou (Director), Rachel Weaver (Sound composition), Insatiable, 2010, 10′
TAIWAN VIDEA 2017 Selection from Yunnia Yang’s curatorial projects:
1. The Apocalyptic Sensibility: The New Media Art in Taiwan(WRO Media Art Biennale 2013, Wroclaw, Poland; Taipei Fine Art Museum 2015)
2. TAIWAN VIDEA (Asolo Art Film Festival 2015, Italy)
3. Taiwan Videa2.0: Cultural Encounter (Asolo Art Film Festival 2016, Italy)
《Taiwan Videa》2017 Selection – 臺灣錄像巡映歐陸交流計畫,將展出吳季璁作品《煙林圖之一》。
《Taiwan Videa》2017 Selection
1. July 19 (Wed.), 2017 8:00pm 馬其頓當代藝術館,斯科普耶,馬其頓共和國
2. July 28 (Fri.), 2017 8:00pm, Galerija AŽ Atelieri Žitnjak,克羅埃西亞,札格列布市
3. August 1 (Tue.), 2017 8:00pm SCCA當代藝術中心-盧布里亞納,斯洛維尼亞,盧布里亞納市
4. August 16, 19-20, 2017 “Rosalux”藝術空間 ,柏林,德國
Opening and Curator’s talk: August 16 (Wed.) 7:00pm
Exhibition time:
August 16 (Wed.): 7 pm – open end
August 19 (Sat.) : 2 pm – 6 pm
August 20(Wed.): 2 pm – 6 pm
影像藝術是當代視覺文化極為重要的主題,而影像的魅力主導了新世代生活型態與思考方式,台灣當代藝術中錄像藝術與實驗影像的批判性、原創性與多元性豐富了影像美學與象徵意涵,而在國際與台灣各大影展獲獎的創意影像作品驚艷一時,《TAIWAN VIDEA》台灣前衛影像展即是匯聚上述影像的創意能量與美學特色,精選自策展人於2013-2016年間所規劃《末日感性:臺灣新媒體藝術展》、《TAIWAN VIDEA》、《TAIWAN VIDEA2.0:文化秘遇》三策展計畫中12部臺灣前衛影像作品,包含錄像藝術、行為藝術、實驗影像、實驗動畫、數位動畫、MV動畫等類型,影像深度觸及當代人類生存議題:警示人類慾望以科技文明挑戰上帝的後果(林珮淳「夏娃克隆創造計畫I」), 批判追求「進步」的慾望法則消弭人性(黃贊倫「副本」);揭露當權者所建構美麗的謊言 (陳依純「曲水流豬」), 當代媒體操控集體意識的嚴重性(張徐展「陰極射線管的神秘儀式」), 食物轉喻諷刺政治巧語吞噬人民的美夢人生(王鼎曄「牛肉-美好諾言」),以類比跨年煙火與燭火的影像隱喻國運歡慶與烈士犧牲的矛盾性(何尉民「Over my dead country」),自我意識過度擴張的危險偏執(吳梓安「宣言癖」),個體尋求身體意識自由的空間想像(蒲帥成「秘密平面計畫-浩瀚飄浮」) ,以文化秘遇破除刻板印象(張暉明「Tough Town」),質疑日常生活中擬態景致(崔廣宇「看不見的城市:台巴黎約克」),以新的觀看方式擴展與再現東方山水美學的可能性(吳季璁「煙林圖之一」),以臺灣夜市所攝取的無數影像形成似巨蟒的形象顯示消費危機(劉肇興「未央」)。12部台灣創意影像作品將顛覆觀者對台灣文化藝術的印象,跨越了純藝術與流行文化的界限,議題非僅與台灣相關更與全球當代問題接軌,普世價值的創作思維正是具有顛覆力量的前衛影像所必要的基礎。
2.副本.黃贊倫. 2015年.12分55秒
3.曲水流豬.陳依純.2013 年. 8分7秒
5.牛肉-美好諾言. 王鼎曄.2011年.4分42秒
6.Over My Dead Country. 何尉民.2013年.11分11秒
8.秘密平面計畫- 浩瀚漂浮. 蒲帥成.2011年.5分31秒
9.Tough Town.張暉明.2015年.9分鐘
10.隱形的城市: 台巴黎. 約克.崔廣宇.2008年.5分10秒
12.未央.劉肇興(導演).Rachel Weaver (聲音創作).2010年.10分鐘
《TAIWAN VIDEA》2017 Selection 精選自策展人楊衍畇以下當代藝術策展計畫:
1.《末日感性:臺灣新媒體藝術展》(2013波蘭WRO媒體藝術雙年展. 2015台北市立美術館)
2.《TAIWAN VIDEA》台灣前衛影像展(2015義大利阿索洛國際藝術電影節)
3.《TAIWAN VIDEA2.0:文化秘遇》台灣前衛影像展(2016義大利阿索洛國際藝術電影節)